One of the central stakeholders in building an effective website is the project manager. This person must understand, in detail, what's involved to perform every task of every member on the team. It comes down to having a leader who can get in the saddle, and collaborate with other team members to complete the project.

It starts with scope of work

The PM must have a very well organized process in place to not only to keep the project on track, but to also to be ready for changes along the way. For most companies, the project manager needs to create a scope with active and specific involvement from company leadership which helps everyone involved in the project understand the the ultimate strategy of the website. Understanding that one must move forward on a project even if it's not considered perfect is essential to completion. Having systems in place to help to keep the project moving toward launch helps team members perform without project lag.

It's really about the user

In the end, it's really all about the user. When project managers focus on the user and help a company not get wrapped up in their own creative and procedural issues they'll have half the battle won. When everyone on the team is focused on the user, many issues that can arise will simply dissolve, allowing the team to continue to stay on schedule as we work toward the common goal.

It adds up to lead generation

And most importantly, it certainly helps to have a PM who knows how to apply code and has a solid understanding of today's user friendly design concepts. Being able to actually code and design gives your website project a leader who knows how to speak the language with team members from different departments. For over 15 years, I have been an avid programmer and an award winning graphic designer who has been a team member and/or leader in hundreds of website projects from large corporations to start-ups. The fact is, web development is about lead generation of some sort, and by the way... that's why you're here. ☺

There's more...

Actually, when it comes to project management, there's a lot more. The project manager is the team leader, and that means someone who respects and understands the efforts of other key players in the development process. If your company needs a savvy and experienced website project manager who understands the business environment, contact me, and discover team-oriented lead generation.

Many things have changed in website design and development over the years. One must keep up with today's ever-evolving trends but it's important to know how it all started.

